flaws and pieces | Poem by Aaditi

“say I chose to believe you and
your claim of love,
say I thought of you as my world,
would it be enough to convince what lives within me …”

not my home | Poem by Aaditi

The poem reflects a struggle with belonging and ownership. The speaker grapples with the concept of home, feeling unwelcome in a house full of ancestral history. Their desire to leave a mark clashes with the house’s resistance to change. The poem explores the idea of true ownership and finding a place to call home.

about death | Poems by Aaditi

“…all the nameless countless
ones who struggled against their heart
and waged a war in their mind,
each day, every day
and everyday that they didn’t slit
their wrists or hurt themselves
beyond redemption was a victory…”

his hymn | Poems by Aaditi

“…he is persistent,
and soon I begin to fear my fall,
he is a reckoning force,
I watch him break through my walls,
he is nervously himself,
he is not who he seemed at all. “

miss fix it all | Poem by Aaditi

“trying to make everything clean, spotless, so that nothing remains, no semblance of the past, no signs of others, no story no imprint, just clean blank slates eager to be written over”

the leap | Poem by Aaditi

“…madness it is, this invigorating black beautiful depth that has been my only companion, and stayed with me through out…”

grief and other bitter things| Musing by Aaditi

The author explores the role of grief in their life with a hint of cynicism. They offer practical advice for crying like an adult, emphasizing the importance of letting emotions out, taking care of oneself, and allowing time for healing.

To my friend, the Bride to Be!

Marriage in itself is a beautiful concept- two people from diverse backgrounds coming together to form a new family, promising to stay with each other, through thick and thin of life, a celebration that unites.

Wandering The Meadows

My travels last week were more along the lines of a persuasion! I was persuaded to go on a weeklong trek, into the wilderness, with nothing more than a backpack to carry forward.

“Mujhse Pehli Si Mohabbat” by Faiz Ahmed Faiz | Ghazal Translations

“Don’t ask for the love of the old days my beloved. ”
Faiz starts this poem by asking his lover to not expect the same old love from him. He then begins enumerating the perspective he used to have about love and life. In his youthful days, when the desire of finding & keeping love was his foremost concern, he used to feel that the presence of his lover would be enough to sustain him, to let him be happy and content.

“After Death” by Christina Rossetti

“After Death” is a poignant and introspective poem that delves into the complexities of love, loss, and the enduring nature of emotions. It combines vivid imagery and emotional depth to evoke a sense of longing and reflection, leaving readers with a contemplative and bittersweet impression.

“Mad Girl’s Love Song” by Sylvia Plath

The poem’s themes of escapism, imagination, and the fluidity of emotions are conveyed through vivid imagery and a carefully crafted structure. The ambiguity surrounding the existence of the beloved and the speaker’s mental state adds layers of complexity, making the poem a haunting and introspective exploration of love, loss, and the intricacies of the human psyche.